Don't forget about the other big Steve: Steve Ballmer of Microsoft. Microsoft has started joining the hardware side of the industry along with the software side, and they are also growing in the mobile and consumer parts as well. Yes, they are still a little bigger with commercial & business customers, but consumers are becoming a bigger part of that. Also, don't forget developers. I do software, app and web development at home, and that has not only helped keep me as a Microsoft customer, but helped me discover and love even more Microsoft products.
Without a doubt it's Mark Shuttleworth, the man behind the Ubuntu Linux Distribution and Canonical, the company that supports Ubuntu.
I think the question should be, who will be the next Bill Gates? Gates has done more to shape the world than Jobs could have ever done. He has also given back so much more than the greedy Steve Jobs. Gates has literally saved lives with his generosity.
Michael Wellman
Technologically speaking, Gates certainly has done more to advance the current state of technology than any one single person (that I can think of) currently living. ... He may not have been as trendy as Jobs or had the eye for trendsetting like Jobs did (though, even that is arguable, as most of the work was done by Apple's fleet of designers), but he certainly has a better heart and mind.
Others mentioned: Twitter and Square co-founder Jack Dorsey, Google creators Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs and, for reasons we can't quite comprehend, Vladimir Putin.
There won't (or shouldn't) be another Steve Jobs:
There is no one as complex, demanding, quirky or brilliant -- all wrapped up in one package -- as Jobs. Truly unique. Won't be another like him.
We really don't need another Steve Jobs. R.I.P. We need another Einstein, another Churchill, a lot more da Vincis, another Lincoln, more (Martin) Luther Kings, Gandhis, Beethovens, Chaplins ... and Chuck Norris! Seriously, Steve Jobs is way overrated. Even as a manager he sucked.
No one. I have sort of a theory of an era that begins with Andy Warhol's soup cans and ends with Jobs' death. To me, Andy Warhol's soup can art conveyed the idea of the iconic image of a physical product living on its own, becoming disembodied. Jobs and Apple became the real-world realization of that. We are at the point where there really isn't anything new to invent in this area.
Was there the next Edison? Was there the next Einstein? Was there the next (scientist Michael) Faraday? Why should there be a next Jobs? The beauty of creation is that it never produces duplicates. That is what we do.

There are brilliant scientists among us right now creating remarkable things: advanced cybernetics, nanotech, AI, better medicines. If you mean a person who will make new-looking computers and phones, it will be someone we haven't seen yet or haven't been paying attention to. Definitely won't be Zuckerberg, Bezos or Mayer. There will always be a new torchbearer. ... They could show up tomorrow.